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Board Meeting

August 21, 2004



            Your Board of Directors met for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Saturday, August 21, 2004.

             Two items took the lion's share of the meeting's time—1) the fiscal 2005 budget and 2) flood plain insurance.

 A preliminary budget was presented and discussed and as there were a few larger items for which we were still missing hard figures it was decided to finalize those budget figures in September or October. The next quarterly installment of dues would therefore be based on last year's budget figures and any increase, if deemed appropriate and necessary, would not be seen until the January billing cycle.

             The issue of flood plain insurance is again being addressed by the Board. It has been decided to re-define a bidding process for the survey of our flood plain. Once we have chosen the surveyors and receive back all their data the Board intends to take a vote of action. 

            It was brought to the attention of the Board at this meeting that the Town of Jackson would be imposing a $25 "user fee" for answering alarms after the first two false alarms from a unit.

             Also noted at the meeting was the fact that people are leaving large items in the dumpster shed. This is costing the Association excess dumping fees and could be better handled at the Jackson Town Dump.

 The next Board Meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, September 18, 2004.