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Summary for 2/18/2005





            The Board of Directors met on Saturday, February 18, 2005 at the Wentworth Hotel.  Fritz Koeppel, Manager, and Mike Colpoy of the management team were also in attendance.



            In the interest of continuity and sharing of  the work load, the Board voted to form the following committees and to elect the following members to those committees:




Maintenance:               Mike Dinneen, Jerry Schimmoeller, D.D. Warren and

                                    Dave Treadwell



Finance:                      Dan Coughlin, Jerry Schimmoeller and Dick Wright



Insurance:                    Dan Coughlin, Jerry Schimmoeller and Anita Drew



Administration:           Dan Coughlin, Anita Drew and



            Mike Dinneen, as President, is of course, an ex-officio member of all of the committees.  The Board would also like to have non-board members serve on these committees, and would ask that you contact any Board member if you are interested in helping out.  Norman Levesque is our current non-board member serving on the Finance committee.


The Board continues to work on the insurance issues facing the Association and also on the needed capital improvement and our everyday operating expenses.