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Minutes of

The Board of Directors Meeting

Friday May 10, 2002

Conference Call

Present via telephone: Ron Silvia, Dan Coughlin, Al Landano, Janice Robbins and Jack Rowe

Approval of March 2, 2002 minutes: Minutes were not approved due to the lack of a definitive copy available to some members

Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Dan Coughlin. Dan reviewed the latest available financials. He expressed his opinion that everything seemed to be tracking well.

His one exception was the line item for roofing in which he questioned the percentage of work which had been done since Oct. Al was unsure of square footage completed and to be done and will double check figures.

Capital Improvements Budget: Dan Coughlin deferred to Al Landano.

Road Signs: Al submitted a budget proposal of $853.30. The Board wants to see a sample sign before authorizing expenditure.


Building #19 Electrical Meter problem: Repairs to approximate $4,030. This is for a temporary fix. Debate over whether permanent boxes are needed for about the same cost again. Board to check this out in person. Board voted to spend $218 to spot check for problem in other units.


Roofmg: More discussion re amount of work completed and to be done in fiscal 2002 and how that relates to the budget


Deck repairs: Work has started and costs are running at $2,354 to repair. At $2,242 to rebuild per deck we will be $15,408 over budget. After discussion of finances, Board advised to continue and complete deck work.


Brick Chimney Repairs: Started May 6. Quoted total cost $10,900.

Brick Patios: Have not been started. Board advised to hold off on this item for now.

Railroad Ties: We are over budget to date by about $2,500. Much has been done however none of the 3 bedroom bldgs have been started. Debate followed concerning grading vs. railroad ties. Board leaves this to Al’s discretion, but would like hard budget figures before proceeding.


Light posts: Al proposed removing rotted railroad ties and replacing with cobblestone. Board would like to see these first and suggests we may use our flower budget in these areas.

Discussion continued re the Board’s concern that many projects seemed to be coming m over budget and our need for better, quoted figures before we move ahead on projects

Manager’s Report

The Bistro: Shawn Bergeron has provided a report.

Trash Removal: Recycling has started. While paying a penalty on our old contract, the new contract along with recycling should save money over the long-term. Contract expires 1-31-03. Al Landano to ask Mike Mallett about income from and/or agreement with Jackson Falls re their use of our dumpster.

Insurance Claim Building #9: After discussion it was noted that $2,500 deductible had been included in the insurance proceeds. A question still remains on an air conditioning unit. Bill to be submitted. No schedule for landscaping work to be done. Al will get costs on Bistro parking lot landscaping. Al will also examine project plans for lot line and tee problem.

Project plans: Mike Mallett has or will provide plans to Dave Treadwell and Al Landano.

Septic pumping: Will pump up to our budget amount of $4,400.

White Mountain Oil & Propane Contract:No 1997 executed contract was found. Al to ask

Mike to look again, Ron and Janice to search their condos once more. It was decided to

wait until next meeting to go forward with even an oral agreement

Old Business:

Janice has binder easement from Jackson XC Touring which needs to be updated.

Also, new insurance certificate from Jackson XC Touring needs to be examined

each November 1. Janice also expressed concern over the danger of the Yodel Trail

and the fact that a portion of it is on our land.

New Business:

Next Board Meeting is scheduled for 8 AM June 8 in unit 8D

















