Board of Directors Meeting
March 20, 2004
The Wentworth Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on March 20. A huge portion of that meeting was dedicated to two most important topics-Choosing a new property manager to start on or around May 1 and the potential development of Lot #20.
Northern Woods, our current property manager, recently gave notice that they would not be continuing in the property management business. A search team of Dan Coughlin, Mike Dinneen, Jerry Schimmoeller and Dave Treadwell made detailed presentations, after extensive work over the last few weeks. As a result, the Board has narrowed the field of candidates and the committee will continue with their efforts including further interviewing. The Board will keep the Unit owners informed of upcoming decisions.
You have been previously notified of, and subsequently some of you have been contacted regarding, the potential development of Lot #20. Due to the feedback from unit owners it has been decided to table, at this time, any further discussions and efforts on behalf of the development of Lot #20.
The Board would like to sincerely thank all Owners who responded either by letter or over the phone to make known their thoughts on the subject. Please know that we are your Board and look forward to your ideas and responses on any Wentworth issue. Thank you.
Another issue that is being explored by the Board is the turning over of the Association's water delivery system to the Jackson Water Precinct. We will have more to report at a later date.
The next Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 17.