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Meeting Summary


Your Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on March 15. Although they did have some weather related issues, they were able to discuss items such as energy audits and Spring Clean-up. Warmer weather must be lurking somewhere in the future.


            A water main leak had been detected in the front of Building #2 and was scheduled to be fixed on Monday, March 17. We hope this necessary repair work didn't cause too much inconvenience.


            Northern Woods has taken the initiative and through New Hampshire Electric Cooperative has produced a sample Energy Audit Report. Although owners will be asked to pay for each unit's work, the benefits to owners, and to the Association as a whole, will be enormous. There will be more information concerning this program in the coming months.


            A Spring Cleanup Day has been scheduled for May 3. There will be a letter with more information posted on our website shortly after April 1. The Board is looking for volunteers. Please save the date, meet some neighbors and help your association.


            The Website Committee has been doing a great job. John Bruni reported receiving 40 responses to his recent survey. Please help by sending your survey in if you are one of the non-respondents.


            D.D. Warren reported that there is a great Jackson enews available by subscription if anyone cares to gain more info on what's happening in Jackson. E-News is brought to you by the Jackson Communications Committee in an effort to foster better communications within our community. If you would like to sign up to receiver E-News or to unsubscribe, you may contact the Jackson ENews group at enews@ncia.net.


            The Board's next scheduled meeting is May 17 at 8:00 AM, Unit 24A, Mike Dinneen's unit.