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February 18, 2006







            The Board of Directors met on Saturday, February 18, 2006 at the Wentworth Hotel.  Fritz Koeppel, Manager, and Doug Noulting of the management team were also in attendance.



            The Board has received a copy of the Association’s Master Insurance Policy.  Any Owner needing a copy may contact the Management team and request the same.  Since the policy is 85 pages long, there will be a handling fee.


            The Board is moving forward with the Insurance By-Law changes to make sure owners and the Association have the necessary and coordinated coverage.  A new “Section 6. Insurance Requirements” will be forwarded to you shortly for insertion into your existing Owner’s Guide.


            Please remember that any items which you wish to attach or have attached to the outside of your building or added to or upon any other part of the common areas of the Condominium, must first be approved by the Board of Directors.